Henn na Hotel Tokyo Asakusa Tawaramachi

Hotel Facilities

Take advantage of the hotel’s extensive facilities and services

  • Baggage Port (temporary luggage storage) available only for hotel guests
  • Chromecast screen casting device (※suite rooms only)
  • Large screen LCD TV
  • First aid kit/thermometer
  • Cigarette smoking room (2F)
  • Beverage vending machine (8F)
  • Ice making machine (8F)
  • coin laundry machine(3,4,7,10F)
  • Unit / Separate bath
  • AED
  • Wine opener(free rental)
  • Umbrella (free rental)
  • Wheelchair
  • Humidifier
  • Mobile phone chargers
  • Bed guard (fall prevention fence)
  • Steam iron
  • Additional blankets

■Common to all the hotels in the group■

  • Free Wi-Fi throughout the hotel
  • Check-out extension
  • No smoking in the entire hotel
  • Free sleep for children under 5 years old
  • Breakfast (charged)
  • Elevator security
  • Bath towels
  • Face towel
  • Gowns(adult size only)
  • Hair dryer
  • Toothpaste set
  • Shampoo
  • Conditioner
  • Body Shampoo
  • Hairbrush
  • Washbasin
  • Slippers
  • Razor
  • Hangers (with jacket pinchers)
  • Air conditioner
  • Toilet with hot water washlet
  • Beds with electrical outlets
  • Refrigerator
  • Electric kettle
  • Tea set
  • Safety box
  • Universal room
  • Cotton Set
  • Heat resistant mug
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Reliable “non-face-to-face” hologram check-in

At Henn na Hotel Tokyo Asakusa Tawaramachi, dinosaurs, ninjas, and butlers will help guests check in and check out using the latest “light hologram” technology.

【Corner Suite】 Beautiful night view of Tokyo Skytree ®!

Please spend a special time with your loved ones.

This is a special room with a full view of the Tokyo Sky Tree® from the upper floors. The room and bathroom are spacious and comfortable.

For hotel guests only! Rooftop Terrace Information

You can view Tokyo Skytree® from our roof top terrace during your hotel stay.

Opening Hours: 6:00 – 23:00
From daytime to nighttime, you can see the TOKYO SKYTREE®.
Depending on the time of year, you may even be able to see special lighting!

Cleaning machine LG STYLER

These sleek closets will freshen your clothing while removing allergens, dust, smoke and sweat and is an asthma & allergy friendly CERTIFIED Sanitizer.

The Gentle Dry with Pants Crease Care feature will perfectly press your pants and remove wrinkles from clothing.

Start your day off looking fresh and ready to take on the city!

(※some guest rooms)

Please check How to Use LG Styler.

VR Oculus Quest2

Hundreds of hit games, one-of-a-kind experiences, live events, new ways to stay fit and a growing community of users await you on our latese VR headset. (1,500yen/per night)
Please check more about VR (Video)
※Paid rental
※Target age: 13 years old and over
※No mirroring function to TV


You can enjoy Japanese manga in your room during your stay !

We have a Manga Corner available exclusively for our guests!
You can bring manga to read in your guest room.


Henn na Hotel Tokyo Asakusa Tawaramachi is available for pick up spot of Tax Free Online.jp
More information about Tax Free Online (PDF)

  • For more details, please check the website
  • Pick up time: 12PM~12AM
  • Pick up place: 2nd Floor counter